Lucky for us, we had set
our own alarms as the hotel’s wake-up call never came. The flight was at 6,
meaning we had to be there at about 5, which in turn meant we had to be up at
four-ish. For me, that wasn’t an issue as I had been up and down most of the
night after a disagreement with my tummy. So, my look waiting for the taxi to
take us the kilometre or so to the terminal from the hotel was truly
Check in was a different
experience. Men met you as you got out of your taxi trying to hustle you to the
correct airline counter. Grabbing your bags, they just took off with them,
leaving you to follow along, weaving through throngs of travellers and porters heading
in every direction, trying to keep up. Once at the tiny Yangon Airline desk,
you hand over your paper ticket to the check-in guy, who marks off your name on
a printed list. Another guy puts stickers on your checked-in bags, and another
sticker on each of us, then you’re handed your ticket and luggage receipt and
you’re done – all in less than a minute. Many of the larger airlines around the
world could learn a lot from how efficient and fast this process was despite
having no computerised systems.
Rows of hard plastic
seats lined the waiting area just over from the check in desk. A little stall
sold newspapers and a small selection of sweets. Our hotel had packed us some
breakfast and J and I nibbled our rolls and juice drink as we waited, watching
more travellers check in via the same process we had. In the whole time we
watched, there was never a time when there was more than two or three waiting to
check in.
About half an hour
later, we are called to pass through security to the gate lounge. Well, more
like another large waiting area with the same hard seats The morning sun shone
in through a wall of windows making the already stuffy room even hotter and
uncomfortable. Outside, a thin line of bushes screened the tarmac and runway
beyond. A few doors stood ajar and the fresh air was very welcome. Large,
ancient-looking air-conditioning units stood making a lot of noise but not
circulating much (if any) cool air.
Seeing an open door, a
man who looked maybe Japanese or Korean stepped outside and lit a cigarette. A
few other men from his group noticed him out there puffing away, so promptly
joined him. Then another tourist went out. J looked at me and I could see he
was thinking of joining them. I wasn’t convinced that it was strictly OK. They
were taking photos and having a good old conversation and a laugh. Sure enough,
a few guys in airport uniforms turned up and motioned for them to go back
inside. But not before bumming a smoke from one of the group, making for a
comical scene.
A bus rolled up and
parked near one of the exits causing a mini stampede towards the door. Again,
an airport worker came in and asked everyone to sit back down, “Not for you!”
Just as everyone had sat back down, another bus pulled up. Another official looking
guy walked in carrying a placard with ‘YH917’ printed faintly – our flight
number. He walked around the front also calling out the details. Do you think
anyone cared what flight number it was? Ah, no. Once again, everyone charged
for the door. Seeing it was our flight, J and I walked over too. Sure enough,
anyone not on that flight was asked to sit back down – again.
Packed to the rafters,
the bus drove all of a few hundred metres from the terminal building to where
the Yangon Airways aircraft was waiting. Locals and tourists alike all streamed
off the bus and made for the plane’s rear door. There were no lines, or witches’
hats, or ropes marking a safety zone and people were just wondering around
while some airline staff stood near the wing in hi-vis vests watching us all
crowd on.
Single file, we all slowly
funnelled onboard where we greeted by a smiling hostess handing out cool
towelettes. The ATR turbo-prop had a long central aisle with rows of twin
narrow seats either side. Our seats were about half way down, but for some unknown
reason, J and I were in different rows across the aisle from each other. Ah,
that manual check in process had a slightly randomised seat allocation algorithm
i.e. the staff just see a free seat and allocate it. Looking around, a few
other travellers had also been separated. Not to worry. J and I exchanged a few
silly comments, joking around. Seeing we were together, the guy next to me offered
to swap seats with J, which was lovely, and we were soon airborne and on our
way to Bagan.
After an un-eventful two
hour flight, we landed at Nyaung U
airport, the airport of the Bagan area. As we came in to land, I could see the
amazing temple-strewn landscape from the plane’s port-hole window. A stewardess
made an announcement instructing passengers travelling on to Mandalay and Heho
to remain onboard, while the plane stopped to 20 minutes to let people on and
off. As we were ferried to the terminal in busses, our luggage was quickly and efficiently
unloaded from the forward door of the plane.
Inside the terminal, a small crowd of travellers
were waiting to board the plane we just disembarked. Looking around, I noticed
a non-descript table with government officials sitting at it. A missable sign
said, “Bagan zone visitor fee $10”. While J looked out for our bags, I paid the
fee and received the visitor passes that we’d been told to carry with us in
case of spot inspections. After a short wait, our bags were brought in on a
cart and then unceremoniously dumped on a cleared place in the arrivals area. J
collected them and we were soon in a taxi and off to our hotel.
Hotel @ Tharabar Gate welcomed us with a cool
orange mocktail ,which we enjoyed as the staff checked our passports and
organised our room. Walking past guests still eating their breakfast, we were
shown to our very spacious room and I plonked onto the comfy bed. Though it was
only a short flight, I was exhausted from the early start and moody belly. It
was not even 10am yet. Lying down, not moving much, and being close to the
bathroom was the perfect plan for now. At least it gave us some down-time to
study some maps and get a handle on the temples near by.
OK. Enough rest. A couple of hours later, and after
a nibble on some of the buns we had left over from the flight, it was time to
head out and see some temples. I had been looking forward to this part of our
Myanmar trip immensely. My tummy was feeling better, and I had dosed myself
with pro-biotics, washing them down with plenty of water. Moreover, I am
hopeless at resting especially when travelling, so needed to get out - even if
only for an hour.
Entering from the
western side, a short corridor of vendors selling religious objects, books, lacquerware,
paintings and wood carvings drew us into the central chamber. Awestruck by the
massive, standing, gold Buddha that faced us, J and watched quietly as some locals
made their offerings. Four, 32 foot Buddhas form the central shrine, facing the
four cardinal directions of the compass. We wondered around the corridors that
ring the temple, admiring the hundreds of small Buddha figures set in niches in
the massive white-washed walls. Some looked ancient, some new-ish, and others
were covered with a grate.
A young teenage boy, dressed in smart khaki shirt wearing
a duffle bag across his shoulder approached us. “Good day. How are you?” he
enquired. We smiled and responded. He asked a few more questions about where we
were from, and J and I responded, happy to meet locals, as we had already many
times. But he wanted to tell us about the temple, and also to practise his
English. He explained he was training to be a tour guide and hoped he could
practise leading a tour with us. Of course, we were happy to obliged and welcomed
the idea.
At the end of our guided
tour, our guy thanked us profusely for our time and helping him with his
English, but didn’t seem to be interested in payment. But we knew that though
he didn’t ask directly, he really was hoping for a few thousand kyats. He was
so good and provided us with great service (really) so we were happy to pass on
a few notes. J and I wondered around a little more, as well as the courtyard
area outside. Temple number one of Bagan and I was blown away and keen to
explore more.
Judging by our limited
map, there was a handicraft store not far from the hotel. Still feeling a
little delicate, I thought that may be worth a browse. Walking down the street
that I thought it was on, there were a few stalls, but either we walked right
past it, or we were in the wrong spot. No matter. We were moving along the Old
Bagan walls and found a path through to some interesting temples and stupas
beyond the wall. Traipsing through brambles and grasses, we beat our way to a
number of orange and red bricked temples. They had no name or signs, and looked
neglected in an overgrown field. However, they must have been recently restored
or repaired as they seemed to be in great condition, and there was a smell of
fresh plaster around them.
the way were a couple of ancient stupas, raw, bricks and mortar, with grass
growing in tuffs along the ridges. It was unreal – surreal. No-one else was in
sight; and here we were in this ancient landscape where kings and nobles raised
their sacred temples. Another of my highlights of Myanmar.
Bashing through overgrowth, we came out onto a road, almost directly
across from the Maha Bodhi Paya. By now, we were totally baked and parched so
the sight of a little stand selling cold water was like seeing an oasis. Sure
enough, the lady at the stall tried to sell us tee-shirts, and lacquerware, and
if we needed a horse cart, her uncle was close and would take us anywhere. We
sat on milk-crate type stools while we drank our drinks. She finally relaxed
and stopped trying to sell us stuff, and just chatted with us. She told us how
quiet it was after how busy it was during the previous tourist season. I guess
it would be like going from feast to famine.
Refreshed (well at least re-hydrated), we checked out the Maha Bodhi
temple. It is said to be a copy of its namesake temple in Bodh Gaya in India,
where the Buddha reached enlightenment under the Bodhi tree (not the temple). Unlike
any other temple in Bagan, it had a tall pyramid-like spire rising from a
square base. Carved into the spire are hundreds of niches with Buddha status in
different postures. Inside was quite modern with a large seated Buddha with a
row of electric lights on the alter before it.
By now we were feeling tired, and sweaty, so walked on down the road
towards the hotel. On the way, we saw the impressive That Byin Nyu and Swegu
Gyi temples not far off the road on the right so decided to check them out
along the way. As we approached, a few hawkers tried to sell us wood carvings,
postcards, and paintings, but a friendly smile and a firm ‘No’ dismissed them
without fuss.
That Byin Nyu translated means ‘Omniscience ‘, a quality of the
Buddha’s enlightenment. It is the highest temple in Bagan and had massive vaulted
corridors which we walked around. On each side of the square base sat a
different Buddha image. Around the windows and doorways were intricate cement
features. Along our way around the passageway, we came across a number of local
artists trying to sell their paintings. Most were of local temple scenes,
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and other traditional Myanmar designs. Sure enough,
as soon as you look more closely at one, you’re gone. The seller will haggle
with you until you buy, and I soon found myself walking away with two lovely ‘sand’
paintings for a few thousand kyats each.
Well and truly worn out, we made a bee-line back to the hotel. However,
the Sarabha restaurant looked far too inviting to pass and we stopped for a sandwich
and delicious lemon juice. Seeing how hot and tired we looked, one of the staff
brought over a electric fan, setting it up to blow air around us to help cool
down. The snack and drink were just what the doctor ordered and we felt much
The rest of the day was spent relaxing. On arriving back at in our hotel
room, we read, took a nap and had a refreshing cool shower, only venturing out
later for dinner at the Sarabha II restaurant (which is directly next to the first
Sarabha restaurant. Apart from one other small group of Chinese tourists, we
were the only ones in there. With a few beers, and meals of delightful local
style curries, we enjoyed the cooler night air after a long first day in mystical
- K
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